My Grand Pa...

My Grand Pa...
I always sit and wonder “Why do I have a so called addiction to Movies?” I never get an appropriate answer for this question
But last week when I was having a chit chat with my uncles (to be specific my dad’s brothers)
I got clarity and I had to believe in the biological (scientific) terms called as GENES and HERIDITY: D
That conversation has got some big sparkles on my face that day.
“This is the exact meaning of Living Life KING SIZE” was what I felt after listening to the memory outburst of my uncles.
That very moment has given me an idea of posting a comparison between mine and his life J
My Grand Pa used to work in the District court and he even was a land lord at his place as he had invested his earnings properly ;)
He had six sons and five daughters: D!!!! (Me the youngest son of his last son J) I often wonder how was it possible for him: D (this is the only thing which makes me wish that I was my Grand pa :P Just for laughs). The funniest thing is that my Elder Aunt and My Grand Ma delivered in the same year J.
He was six feet tall and was dark and Stout.. This I saw in the portrait which will be there in every relative’s home of ours.
His typical day starts with ‘Suryanamaskara’ followed by an oil bath which would last for half an hour. Breakfast follows Upma pesarattu was must in his week’s menu. Off to work at 9 and return to home at 5 pm sharp. While coming he used to get vegetables from “Santa” (the local market) and order the dinner.
Meanwhile someone has to go to the theater and get tickets for the entire team (family members) for the 9 o clock show almost for 20 people :D.
He had used to carry a typical luggage for every movie which he goes
A small sack in which he used to carry dry fruits and “bataanees”
A “marichambu” which contained buttermilk and water
A “chaapa” (mat) for sitting near the screen and
A “chutta” which he used to chew and spit out around his mat (sounds irkkkk but he used to do that so that no one will come and occupy the space beside him it seems) Self Defense from the Alien entries into his vicinity J
Post movie... Zzzzzzzzz Sound sleep..
This was his typical routine. As said by my uncle he used to watch each and every movie that comes to the nearest theater, He almost covered every movie which came in his period.
Apart from this regular routine he used to spare time for his hobbies like cooking, gardening, cards, kho kho and kabaddi.
Though he had damn big joint (GIANT) family he managed everything very well.
My uncles said there was never a situation where in my Grand Ma had Tears in her eyes as long as my Grand Pa was alive.
But things are not the same always they change, they change in a split of second, what you see before you close your eyes is not what you see after opening them.
The Self defense from alien entries was very interesting when I heard for the first time (in our typical “Thoo Go ji” dialect made it sound hilarious)
Keeping my grand pa’s entire routines in my mind I could find only one thing is common between us :D
The common habit is MOVIES rest of my habits are almost out of track L:D
Being Six feet tall is my dream :D and I am not as fair as my grandfather was :P
By the time I get up every day I will have only half an hour left to catch the bus and the sun rarely comes out so Suryanamaskaras are out of scope by chance if he comes out I just salute him :D for which my mom says “Don’t Scare Him the World needs Light!!!” .
Forget about oil bath sometimes I don’t get time to bath :D and coming to the breakfast menu I eat Pesarattu but it’s not a must or mandatory I rarely have breakfast … I started having it once I became health conscious.
The typical corporate routine keeps me away from making time for the hobbies, although I can try cooking and gardening (yes!!! I water all the plants in my home at times J) Playing kho kho or kabaddi are the wildest things that I can ever imagine. Playing cards—I am an illiterate in this field
And coming to the movies section I may not take the entire family or team with me I do watch almost all the movies that are out. If I have to ask god for one wish I will ask him only one thing “Dear God Please Give me an Income which would be sufficient enough to take my entire GIANT family to a movie in a multiplex monthly once” that’s it this is the only wish that I have :D.
Need not carry the “marichambu chaapa and chutta” coz there won’t be any scope for alien entry in Multiplexes worst case if I do carry them I would become the Alien Entry there :D.
After listening to everything my uncles said I appreciated the way my Grand pa managed to keep the giant family together without any complaints and I even wished he was alive so that I could see a great person who commanded a GIANT family spell bound with LOVE and I even felt that he does that magic again and makes everyone stay together again, coz “United We Stand – Divide We Fall”