My Review A R G O
A rescue operation of 6 american diplomats from Tehran in a practically impossible fashion (which was possible according to the records :-) ) forms the jist of the story
The movie starts with the protest of the Tehrans and the American Consulate being attacked and diplomats being taken as hostages.
Six among the diplomats escape and are sheltered by the Canadian govt ambassador
How did the 6 come out of Tehran as a part of the rescue operation lead by a member of the so called exfiltrating team
forms the rest of the story
All the not so notable actors did their part good
the screen play was very gripping and you would reach the edge of your seats if in the climax scenes (if you were seriously following the movie :) )
Conversations between the main cast of the plot, the fake director, the fake producer and the Fake Associate Producer (the exfiller) which mainly consists of one word "Argo - go f**k yourself" would get you tickles
Rolling titles at the end would show the true life characters (except the exfiltrating officer) and the reel characters of the 6 diplomats which were exactly matching .
heard that this movie was nominated for oscar as well, even though if we are confused what could be the content which would fetch it an oscar, theres no wonder if it gets one.
Bottom line: plot based on a true story well executed and worth watch once
Rating: 3/5