A Spider man movie after a long gap, how is it ?? 

What happens when a school kid realizes that he has super powers and then he has been called to be a part of Avengers by TONY STARK ??

Yes you can see that excitement in Tom Hollands Peter Parker.
Where you have a kid there you have a mentor who is trying to Boss him either directly or Indirectly, RD Jr nailed this part.

“Don’t do what I would do, don’t do what you feel like doing , there is a litter grey area ..
“Why don’t you just be the friendly neighborhood Spider-man”
“Stay on the ground!!”

Again if you have a mentor you feel like going rogue, if you go rogue you got to face the consequences which can be as drastic as losing your suite

“If you are nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t be having it “

Even though you lose your specials and you are drilled down to detentions, you don’t give up the fighting spirit , you end up fighting till the end no matter you have or you don’t have your gear

Finally your efforts are paid and you end up saving the day 

Spider man Home coming is all about this Men-tee – Mentor relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker
The stammering from Parker and the sharp one liners from Tony have made the conversations worth watching in the movie (but on the contrary you have seen all of them in the spoiler promos L )

If there is a super hero movie then there a baddie so we have the Shocker and the Vulture, the story of the vulture is different from the comic version, I don’t know who ends up adding a personal relationship between Parker and the villain always 

Unlike the previous versions you don’t get to See Uncle Ben dying again and Spidey running to get tooth set of aunt May, this time we don’t have an uncle Ben and Aunt May is young enough not to need a tooth set :-D

Alright now that we have 6 feature films of Spider-man so we end up comparing, I’ll tell you Home-coming is not the best of Spidey, Spider-man 2 continues to be the best of Spidey (at least for me J )
Home coming falls in either first or the second place

What else does a Marvel Fan boy need than seeing Iron Man and Spider-Man sharing the same screen, though the promos deceive the director has made sure that it’s not Spidey cameo in Iron Man movie but it’s just a Tony stark mentoring Peter Parker .

You get all the fun that you expect from RD Jr as Tony stark, you end up wanting to see a little bit more action from Spidey.

If you wait till the end credits, you come out laughing at your patience J

Go Spidey go 


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